Airfob Space v2.1 now live!

We’re excited to announce the official release of Airfob Space v2.1, delivering features requested by our customers and improved performance overall. The headline feature in this release is Fire Muster/Roll call, but we’re also giving you device-specific sensitivity settings, tighter control over daylight saving time settings, and more.

Fire muster / Roll call.

This has been one of our most requested features. Now you can use the Airfob Pro app to start a roll call at any time and ensure your employees, guests, and members are safe.

Here’s how it works:

Setting up muster points.

  1. Sign in to the Airfob Pro web portal with your administrator account.
  2. Go to Advanced > Roll Call > Click on Add Muster Point in the right upper corner.
  3. You can name the Muster Point and give it a description.
  4. Select the devices you want to register as a Muster Point. You can add Device Groups or Individual Devices.
  5. Select the user groups you want to assign to these Muster Points.
  6. Click Save and chosen muster points have been set up.

Starting a roll call.

Once muster points are set up, you can use the Airfob Pro app to start a roll call at any time. Here’s how:

  1. Sign in to the Airfob Pro app with your administrator account.
  2. Tap the Settings button at the bottom of the screen and then tap the giant, blue “Roll Call Start” button.
  3. You will see a list of active users on your site. People can mark themselves safe by tapping a reader at the designated muster point (previously set up in the portal). The administrators can also manually mark people as being safe by holding down the checkmark next to a person’s name for at least one second.

The Fire Muster/Roll Call feature is a perfect example the advantages of cloud access control. Updating information about who has been marked safe does not rely on on-premise servers that could be compromised during an actual emergency.

Device sensitivity settings.

Every space is different. The placement of walls, the proximity of readers to one another, and many other factors can affect a reader’s sensitivity. This is why we’re excited to introduce device-level sensitivity settings, allowing administrators to precisely set each reader’s RSSI sensitivity level. With this feature, you can tweak the performance of your Airfob Space access control system so it performs optimally in your space.

Adjusting sensitivity settings.

Adjusting the sensitivity settings is a straightforward process that can be done through the Airfob Pro web portal. Here is a quick step-by-step guide on how to modify the RSSI sensitivity settings on Airfob Pro:

  1. Sign in on the Airfob Pro web portal with your administrator account.
  2. Go to Device Management > Registered Devices > Click on a device you want to adjust the sensitivity to open the Edit Device panel. At the bottom, you will find the Sensitivity Settings.

  3. There is no need to update the firmware or have an active network connection on your devices to take advantage of this feature, as the adjustments happen on phones rather than readers.

Daylight saving time.

With the new update, you’ll have more control over daylight savings time. You can now customize when “summer time” begins and ends in each time zone where you have a site.

Managing DST settings.

  1. Sign in on the Airfob Pro Web Portal and sign into a site with your administrator account.
  2. Go to Settings > DST > Click the blue Add DST button in the upper right corner to configure DST for a specific time zone.
  3. Go to Device Management > Registered Devices > Click on a device to open the Edit Device Next to the device’s time zone, you will see a “Use DST” toggle.

! Before enabling DST on a reader, we recommend updating to the latest firmware. You will also need an active network connection. Updating DST on the Airfob Tag and Airfob Patch does not require a firmware update or network connection, as only log files are affected.

To take full advantage of these features, make sure you have the latest versions of the Airfob Space (iOS/Android) and Airfob Pro (iOS/Android) apps installed on your phone.